A PDF version of my CV is available here.
- B.A. in Economics, Oakland University, 2010
- M.S. in Computational Mathematics, University of Michigan at Dearborn, 2015
- Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2022
Work experience
- 2022 – Present: Research Scientist, Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI)
- 2018 – 2022: Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
- Summer 2020: NSF Mathematical Sciences Intern, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Summer 2019: NSF Mathematical Sciences Intern, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
- 2014 – 2015: Computational Modeler, University of Michigan at Dearborn
- 2010 – 2017: Software Consultant and Programmer, Workforce Software
- 2009 – 2010: Web Developer, Oakland University
- 2009 – 2010: Strategic Research Intern, SPEC Associates
- 2009: Helpdesk Administrator and Information Technology Intern, J & B Medical Supply
- 2003 – 2008: General Construction, Tri-Pups Inc.
- Computational Mathematics
- Spectral Element Methods
- Root-Finding Algorithms
- High Performance Computing
- Computational Electromagnetics
- Computational Number Theory
- Matlab, Julia, Python
- Numerical Analysis
- Partial Differential Equations
- Acoustics and Electromagnetics
- Machine Learning
- Statistical Analysis
Calculating the Radiant of the Perseid Meteor Shower
Talk at CUREA Program Physics 2013, Pasadena, California
The Riemann Zeta Function and Padé Approximants
Talk at UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Parallel Tomographic Image Reconstruction
Talk at Argonne National Laboratory Summer Argonne Students Symposium (SASSy), Lemont, Illinois
The FROST and FROSTb Models
Talk at Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labatory (CRREL), Hanover, New Hampshire
High-Order Pertubation of Surfaces (HOPS) Methods
Talk at UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Pseudo-differential Operators on $\mathbb R^n$
Talk at UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Applications of Pseudo-Differential Operators
Talk at UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Water Waves, Shallow-Water Equations, and Tsunamis
Talk at UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Calculating Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function
Talk at UIC Math Club, Chicago, Illinois
Wave Scattering in Periodic Media
Talk at Graduate Student Colloquium, UIC, Chicago, Illinois
Joint Analyticity of the TFE Method and DNO in Periodic Media, Thesis Defense
Talk at UIC, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science (SEO), Chicago, Illinois
Interpreting what convnets learn
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Deep Learning for Timeseries
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Transformers and Natural Language Processing
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Neural Style Transfer, Variational Autoencoders, and Supervised Learning
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Generative Adversarial Networks and Unsupervised Learning
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Scaling-up model training with GPUs and TPUs
Talk at Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online
Building a NLP Travel Recommender System with Trip Advisor
Talk at Ann Arbor Machine Learning Group, Ann Arbor, MI
Transformers and pretrained models with Hugging Face
Talk at Applied Machine Learning Group, Ann Arbor, MI
Tokenization, Sequences, and Attention Masks with Hugging Face
Talk at Applied Machine Learning Group, Ann Arbor, MI
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) and Scientific Machine Learning
Talk at Ann Arbor Machine Learning Group, Ann Arbor, MI
Service and Leadership
- 2013 – Present: Mathematics tutor