Talks and presentations

Scaling-up model training with GPUs and TPUs

May 14, 2024

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

Explored key methods to boost model performance, such as hyperparameter tuning and model ensembling. Additionally, we reviewed ways to speed up and scale training using multi-GPU and TPU setups, mixed precision, and cloud computing resources.

Generative Adversarial Networks and Unsupervised Learning

February 13, 2024

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

This talk summarized different aspects and intricacies of generative adversarial networks and a unsupervised machine project for classifying mall customers by clustering.

Neural Style Transfer, Variational Autoencoders, and Supervised Learning

January 09, 2024

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

This talk summarized neural style transfer and variational autoencoders for image generation, image augmentation, and image blending. In addition, we also reviewed a supervised learning project focused on predicting future land and ocean temperatures using multiple regression models with US temperature data.

Transformers and Natural Language Processing

September 12, 2023

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

This talk described the encoder-decoder architecture for Transformers and self-attention as a weighted combination of all word embeddings. In addition, several advantages were presented over RNNs and ConvNets.

Deep Learning for Timeseries

July 11, 2023

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

This talk discussed time series forecasting, automatic learning of temporal dependence, and how neural networks are able to automatically learn arbitrary complex mappings from inputs to outputs and support multiple inputs and outputs.

Interpreting what convnets learn

May 09, 2023

Talk, Data Science and Machine Learning Collaborative Learning Group, Online

A fundamental problem when building a computer vision application is that of interpretability. This talk discussed various ways machine learning models can make results easier to interpret by humans. Slides.

Calculating Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function

November 22, 2021

Talk, UIC Math Club, Chicago, Illinois

Summary of the Euler-Maclaurin Summation Formula, Riemann–Siegel Formula, and Odlyzko–Schonhage Algorithm in relation to calculating zeros of the Riemann zeta function. Slides.

High-Order Pertubation of Surfaces (HOPS) Methods

February 11, 2021

Talk, UIC Graduate Analysis and Applied Mathematics Seminar, Chicago, Illinois

Overview of the High-Order Pertubation of Surfaces (HOPS) schemes and their relation to Spectral Element Methods.

The FROST and FROSTb Models

August 12, 2020

Talk, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Labatory (CRREL), Hanover, New Hampshire

Summary of work done as a summer intern at CRREL. Slides.